COVID-19 Policy

For Our Developmental Community

COVID-19 Policies & Procedures



These COVID-19 Policies are a set of formal guidelines for procedures in response to the said pandemic that applies to all of Destiny’s Way Support Services’ (DWSS), employees, volunteers, consultants, stakeholders, and program participants.

This includes work health and safety codes, which guide DWSS in the proper conduction of your duties and obligations.

These policies are applicable to all DWSS programming, which consist of adult day camps and programs, child and youth day camp programs, child and youth essential day respite programs, child and youth essential after school respite programs, and essential child, youth, and adult overnight respite programs. All these programs will henceforth be referred to as programs.



Requirements for Health and Safety

  1. Ensure all current infection prevention and control practices are adhered to. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Ensuring all toys and equipment used are made of material that can be cleaned and disinfected (i.e. avoid plush toys, playdough) or are single use and are disposed of at the end of the day (e.g. craft supplies);
  • Minimizing the sharing and frequency of touching of objects, toys, equipment and surfaces, and other personal items;
  • Increasing the frequency (minimum twice a day) of cleaning and disinfecting objects, toys, equipment and frequently touched items;
  • Cleaning and disinfecting, at least twice a day, frequently touched surfaces. These surfaces are most likely to become contaminated, including door knobs, water fountain/cooler knobs, light switches, toilet and faucet handles, electronic devices, and tabletops. Refer to PHO’s Environmental Cleaning fact sheet;
  • Only using cleaning and disinfectant products that have a Drug Identification Number (DIN). Low-level hospital grade disinfectants may be used;
  • Checking expiry dates of cleaning and disinfectant products used and always following the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure that the product used are compatible with the item to be cleaned and disinfected;
  • Performing and promoting frequent, proper hand hygiene (including supervising or assisting participants with hand hygiene). Hand washing using soap and water is recommended over alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) for children. Refer to PHO’s How to Wash Your Hands fact sheet; and,
  • Incorporating additional hand hygiene opportunities into the daily schedule. This may be needed in instances where toileting and assistance with activities of daily living are provided to participants.
  1. Ensure physical distancing of at least 2 metres between participants, parents/guardians and staff by:
  • Spreading participants out into different areas;
  • Spreading furniture, equipment, and activity stations out into different areas;
  • Using visual cues (e.g. signs, posters, floor markings, etc.);
  • Staggering or alternating lunchtime and outdoor playtime to reduce number of individuals in lunch area;
  • Incorporating more individual activities or activities that encourage more space between participants;
  • Using telephone or video conferencing when possible for meetings between staff and parents/guardians; and,
  • Considering staffing ratios and staff expertise that may be needed to support participants with special needs. Physical distancing may be more challenging to achieve for participants who have communication issues or behaviour challenges.
  1. If a program is operated with consistent cohorts of a maximum of 10 individuals, including both staff and participants who stay together throughout the duration of the program for minimum 7 days, the following must be ensured:
  • Group sizes must be limited to the maximum number of persons allowed to gather as stipulated by the province of Ontario. Building capacity must also be considered.
  • If a participant requires a support worker or other additional personnel assistance, this person(s) must be included in the cohort count and that individual should follow all guidance provided herein
  • Face coverings (non-medical masks) should be used if physical distancing of at least 2-metres cannot be maintained between cohorts:
  • Face coverings may not be tolerated by everyone based on underlying health, behaviour issues or beliefs. Consideration should be given to mitigating any possible physical and psychological injuries that may inadvertently be caused by wearing a face covering (e.g., interfering with the ability to see or speak clearly, or becoming accidentally lodged in equipment the wearer is operating).
  • Face coverings should be changed if visibly soiled, damp, or damaged.
  • Education must be provided about the safe use, limitations, and proper care (e.g., cleaning) of face coverings. See Ontario’s COVID-19 website and PHO’s website for additional information.
  • Cohorts cannot mix with other cohorts. Cohorts may be within the same room/space (e.g. staff areas/rooms, tents, gymnasiums, museums, hallways) at the same time when they can guarantee there will be no interaction/mixing between the cohorts at any point. This includes during pick-ups and drop-offs, mealtimes, playtime and outdoor activities;
  • Programs that utilize a room/space that is shared by cohorts or has other user groups (e.g., programs in museums, community centres, etc.) must ensure the room/space is cleaned and disinfected before and after using the space. A cleaning log must be posted and used to track cleaning;
  • Each cohort should have designated equipment (e.g., balls, loose equipment) or clean and disinfect equipment between cohort uses;
  • Personal belongings brought to the program should be minimized. If brought, personal items (e.g., backpack, clothing, towel, water bottles, food, devices that support alternative communication methods, etc.) should be labeled and kept in an area designated for the individual’s cohort and should not be handled by individuals from other cohorts;
  • Participants should bring their own sun protection, and this should not be shared;
  • In shared outdoor space, cohorts must maintain a distance of at least 2 metres between groups and any other individuals outside of the cohort;
  • Play structures can only be used by one cohort at a time and must be cleaned and disinfected before and after use by each cohort; and,
  • Plans should be made to prevent mixing of cohorts in washrooms/change rooms and to frequently clean and disinfect shared surfaces in washrooms/change rooms.
  1. Avoid getting close to faces of participants, where possible.
  2. Avoid singing activities indoors and ensure physical distancing for singing activities outdoors.
  3. Do not use water or sensory tables.
  4. Aquatic activities (e.g., pool, lake, beach, splash pad, wading pool etc.) must adhere to regulated requirements as well as to municipal guidance and restrictions at the time of activity.
  5. Do not plan activities with exposures to animals or pets that involve frequent touching by different participants (e.g., petting zoo, animal visitors, etc.). Activities with limited or no touching (e.g., horseback riding, wildlife viewing, etc.) should follow all requirements for health and safety as set out in this guidance as well as the Recommendations for the Management of Animals in Child Care Settings
  6. Do not plan activities that involve participants in preparing or serving food.
  7. If meals or snacks are provided by the program or brought by the participant:
  • Ensure participants and staff perform proper hand hygiene before and after eating;
  • Ensure each participant has their own drink bottle that is labeled, kept with them during the day, and not shared;
  • Fill water bottles rather than drink directly from the mouthpiece of water fountains;
  • Ensure each participant has their own individual meal or snack with no common food items (e.g., salt/pepper shaker, condiments);
  • Remove self-serving food items and open access dishware;
  • Multi-use utensils must be cleaned after each use;
  • Reinforce “no food sharing” policies;
  • Physical distancing should be maintained while eating.
  1. If the program includes overnight respite, each participant will be allotted their own room with a maximum of 3 participants and one staff member per facility. Linens must be laundered between program participants.
  2. Pick-up and drop-off of participants should happen outside the program setting unless it is determined that there is a need for the parent/guardian to enter the setting.
  3. Pick-up and drop-off procedures should support physical distancing and cohorting using strategies such as, but not limited to: avoiding group transportation, separate cohort entrances, having one designated parent/guardian pick-up and drop-off each participant, staggering entry, or limiting the numbers of people in entry areas.


  1. All individuals, including participants, parents/guardians, staff, and visitors must be screened either at home prior to arrival or upon arrival at program setting prior to entry. Deny entry to any individual who has any of the symptoms outlined in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website or who has come in close contact with a person with symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Participants should be monitored for atypical symptoms and signs of COVID-19.
  2. Where possible, daily screening should be done electronically (e.g., via online form, survey, or e-mail) prior to arrival at program. If screening is done at the program setting, screeners should take appropriate precautions when screening, including maintaining a distance of at least 2 metres (6 feet) from those being screened, being separated by a physical barrier (such as a plexiglass barrier), or wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) (i.e., surgical/procedure mask and eye protection (goggles or face shield)). Refer to Public Health Ontario resources for how to properly wear and take- off masks and eye protection.
  3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol content should be placed at all screening stations and entrances to the program. Dispensers should not be in locations that can be accessed by young children.
  4. Thermometers must not be used between participants and staff without single-use protective covers or disinfecting between use.
  5. Do not permit participants who are ill to attend the program. Signs should be posted at screening stations and entrances to the program to remind staff, parents/guardians, and other visitors.
  6. Programs must have protocols in place to notify parents/guardians if their participant begins to show symptoms of COVID-19 while in the program, including the need for immediate pick-up and an area to isolate the participant until pick-up.
  7. Programs must keep daily records of anyone (e.g. participants, parent/guardian, staff and visitors) entering the program setting. Records (e.g., name, contact information, time of arrival/departure, screening completion, etc.) must be kept up-to-date and available to facilitate contact tracing in the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case or outbreak.

Management of Participants with Suspected COVID-19

  1. If a participant begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 while attending program, it is recommended that:
  • Symptomatic participants will be immediately separated from others in a supervised area until they can go home. In addition, where possible, anyone who is providing care to the participant should maintain a distance of at least 2 metres.
  • If a 2-metre distance cannot be maintained from the ill participant, advice from the local public health unit will be necessary to prevent/limit virus transmission to those providing care.
  • Contact the local public health unit to notify them of a potential case and seek advice regarding the information that should be shared with other parents/ guardians of participants in the program.
  • While contacting the public health unit, at a minimum the participant and staff member should wear a surgical/procedure mask (if tolerated), and the staff member should also wear eye protection (goggles or face shield).
  • Participants will be reminded of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette while waiting to be picked-up.
  • Tissues will be provided to the participant to support proper respiratory etiquette, along with proper disposal of the tissues.
  • Environmental cleaning/disinfection of the space and items used by the programs will be conducted once the participant has been picked up. Items that cannot be cleaned and disinfected (e.g., paper, books, cardboard puzzles) will be removed from the program and stored in a sealed container for a minimum of 7 days.
  • Participants with symptoms should be tested (see “Testing for COVID-19″ section below for details).
  • Other participants and staff who were present while a participant or staff member became ill should be identified as a close contact and further cohorted (i.e., grouped together). The local public health unit will provide any further direction on testing and isolation of these close contacts.
  • Participants or staff who have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 should be excluded from the program setting for 14 days.

Testing for COVID-19

  1. Symptomatic staff and participants should be referred for testing. Testing of asymptomatic persons should only be performed as directed by the local public health unit as part of case/contact and outbreak management. A list of symptoms, including atypical signs and symptoms, can be also be found in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website.
  • Those who test negative for COVID-19 must be excluded from the program until 24 hours after symptom resolution.
  • Those who test positive for COVID-19 must be excluded from the program for 14 days after the onset of symptoms and clearance has been received from the local public health unit.
  1. Day programs must consider a single, symptomatic, laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 in a staff member or participant as a confirmed COVID-19 outbreak in consultation with the local public health unit. Outbreaks should be declared in collaboration between the program and the local public health unit to ensure an outbreak number is provided.
  2. Participants or staff who have been in contact with a suspected COVID-19 case should be monitored for symptoms and further cohorted (i.e. grouped together) until laboratory tests, if any, have been completed or until directed by the local public health unit.
  3. Staff members and participants awaiting test results who are symptomatic or have been advised to self-isolate by the local public health unit should be excluded from camp. Other staff and participants awaiting results may not need to be excluded.

Reporting of Probable or Confirmed Case of COVID-19

  1. DWSS programs have a duty to report probable or confirmed cases COVID-19 under the Health Protection and Promotion Act. The DWSS program administration staff should contact the local public health unit to report a participant probable to have COVID-19. The local public health unit will provide specific advice on what control measures should be implemented to prevent the potential spread and how to monitor for other possible infected staff members and participants.

Occupational Health & Safety

  1. Employers must have written measures and procedures for staff safety, including for infection prevention and control. Detailed guidelines for COVID-19 are available on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website.
  2. If a staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19, the staff member must remain off work for 14 days following symptom onset and has received clearance from the local public health unit.
  3. If a staff member is a close contact of an individual diagnosed with COVID-19, the staff member must remain off work for 14 days from last exposure.
  4. The local public health unit will advise the staff member as to when they can return to work. Staff members should also report to their Employee Health/Occupational Health and Safety department prior to return to work.
  5. If the staff member’s illness is determined to be work-related, in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and its regulations, the employer must provide a written notice within four days of being advised that a staff member has an occupational illness, including an occupationally-acquired infection, or if a claim has been made to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) by or on behalf of the staff member with respect to an occupational illness, including an occupational infection, to the:
  • Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and
  • Joint health and safety committee (or health and safety representative)
  1. Any instances of occupationally acquired infection shall be reported to WSIB within 72 hours of receiving notification of said illness.

DWSS will show no favouritism or undue influence towards applicants related to the Directors, active volunteers, volunteer or consultants or anyone acting in a governing, administrative, or supervisory capacity.


Violation of this Policy will be seen as a matter of serious consequence and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal

Let’s make this as easy as possible. 

Submit an Application

Complete the online application and submit it to us. Once we’ve reviewed the application, we can move to the next step. 

Connect With Us

Next, let’s get connected. We’ll reach out to you to confirm receipt of your application and verify details.

Schedule an Intake

The intake meetings are scheduled on your own time, in your home. We ask that your child or candidate for support be present.

Establish Your Needs

During the intake meeting, we will work together to establish your needs and support  required.

Set Up Your Support

Once we’ve established your needs, the only thing left is to enroll in a program and book your dates. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is there a waiting list for any of your programs?

Spots for programs are typically reserved two months in advance. This varies depending on the program.

What ages do you accept into your programs?

Destiny's Way is always willing to work with any child or adult, no matter the age.

What is your worker to participant ratio?

Our average worker to participant ratio is 1:3  (1 worker to 3 participants). We also provide 1:1 care, on an as needed basis. Our maximum worker to participant ratio is 1:6. This allows for a truly person-centred experience for all program participants.

Are you government funded?

Destiny's Way Support Services is not a government funded agency. Families receive support through a number of different funding agencies and use these funds to cover the cost of programs.

How much does it cost?

The cost of our programs vary depending on the program and the needs of the particpant. For overnight respite, the cost is $295/night, unless the participant requires more than average care. For more information, please complete an application and schedule an intake meeting with our staff.

Do you work with behaviours?

Each individual responds differently to their surroundings, which includes the location, the staff, the program, and other stimuli or triggers. We are always willing to discuss a situation, to see if we are able to provide this well needed support. Our primary goal is always to provide a safe and peaceful environment for all our guests.

Where are your programs located?

The primary location for all our day and overnight programs is located in Ottawa South West.

Where is your office?

Our Ottawa office is located at 38 Auriga Drive, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON, K2E 8A5. Please contact us before visiting us, as this is a satellite office that is not always staffed.

What Our Families are Saying

For 4 years now my profoundly autistic adult son has been going for short Respite Stays at Destiny’s Way, on an occasional basis. All my dealings with Destiny’s Way have been most satisfactory. They are always very approachable and friendly and provides a warm welcome and reliable respite services. Although non-verbal, I can tell that my son is happy to head to Destiny’s Way so I have peace of mind when I get a much-needed break. J.M.

We were so nervous to send our son to overnight respite because he had never been away from us at the age of 9. Our son has moderate to severe Autism and is limited verbally.
The first time he went, we were so nervous we felt sick, but we needed a break so badly. We also needed to have some one on one time with our other son.
The second time he knew he was going to Destiny’s Way, he couldn’t get into the van fast enough! This was the only way that we could tell that he really enjoyed it there….their support staff are excellent communicators and will respond quickly to nervous parents. Destiny’s Way is part of our family and there is no one we would trust more with our child than them. – C.A.

My son has been attending Destiny Way for almost 5 years now and every time he looks forward to it, he loves going there every summer and loves the care and attention given by the wonderful staff. He enjoys the outdoor settings and activities and is constantly talking about his wonderful time when he attends Destiny’s Way. – G.K.

Our Service Areas

Serving Ottawa and Outlying Areas Since 2008

Ottawa Office

200-38 Auriga Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2E 8A5


P.O. Box 464, Merrickville, ON, K0G 1N0

For Our Developmental Community